Dra. Joana Faria - Ginecologist-Obstetrician - Lisbon, Portugal
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Laparoscopic surgery, also referred as minimally invasive surgery (MIS) involves the use of a thin, tubular device called laparoscope which is inserted at the level of the umbilicus, where a 10mm skin incision is performed and laparoscopic instruments (forceps, scissors, coagulation devices, etc) are inserted through usually 3 keyhole incisions of 5mm in the abdomen in order to perform gynaecological operations.

The removal of ovarian cysts (cystectomy), ovaries (oophorectomy), tubes (salpingectomy), uterus (hysterectomy) and endometriosis treatment is, nowadays, preferably done by laparoscopic route instead of the classical large abdominal incisions.

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