Dra. Joana Faria - Ginecologist-Obstetrician - Lisbon, Portugal
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Vulvo-vaginal infections and other conditions

There are many different conditions that can affect your vulva, ranging from mild infections to skin conditions and, very rarely, to cancer. They can all cause very different symptoms, including itching, bleeding, rashes or a lump. It is very important that if you notice any new symptoms or lumps in your vulval region then you see a doctor promptly. Your doctor will be able to examine you and decide which treatment will be appropriate to you. This will depend on the underlying cause of your symptoms.

Burning, itching, and an unpleasant odor are just some of the common symptoms of vaginal infections. Since the treatment depends on the condition, it's important to know which type of vaginal infection you have.

Most vulvo-vaginal conditions can be diagnosed by gynaecological examination. However, it is sometimes necessary for other tests to be undertaken, like internal swabs (small ball of cotton wool on the end of a thin stick) or a biopsy. The samples are then sent to the laboratory for final diagnosis.

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